Customer Solutions


Our Customer Engagement Solutions are the perfect way to let your customers know how much you appreciate them, whether it’s holiday gifts, anniversary gifts, or even just a little something to say “thank you for your business.” 


We often call these Door Opener Gifts. They are unique ways to get a prospect’s attention, whether it be a 2×3 ft’ business card, or the body of a drone that is activated once a meeting is on the books. Our team thrives on coming up with unique solutions to get your foot in the door!

Trade Show/Event Execution

Trade Shows are an artform all their own: from designing a booth that is eye-catching, to the swag and promotional items you give away at the event, to the follow up and everything in between! Our team is here to assist with all things tradeshow logistics. From a program where we store, ship and set up everything you need to be successful, to unique follow up solutions to ensure that your brand stands out amongst the competition. We’ve got you covered.